Covid-19 TRANSAS Chapter 5 figures

Reading time: 5 minutes

Figure 24: Percentage of people using each mode at least three times a week at each time-point

Transport mode Before Lockdown During Lockdown October
Car as a driver 48% 17% 34%
Car as a passenger 12% 4% 9%
Van 3% 2% 3%
Bus 16% 2% 6%
Train 5% 1% 2%
Cycling 5% 5% 4%
Walking 36% 41% 56%
Taxi 1% 0% 1%

[Figure 24 ends]

Figure 25: Proportion of the sample in each walking frequency segment and their movement between these at each time point

Walking frequency level Before lockdown
High – more than 3 days per week 36.8%
Medium – 1 to 2 days per week 9.6%
Low – few times per month or less 9.6%
None 44.0%
Walking frequency level During lockdown
High – more than 3 days per week 41.3%
Medium – 1 to 2 days per week 16.3%
Low – few times per month or less 5.3%
None 37.2%
Walking frequency level October 2020
High – more than 3 days per week 56.8%
Medium – 1 to 2 days per week 21.9%
Low – few times per month or less 9.1%
None 12.1%
Walking frequency level before lockdown Change in frequency level from before to during lockdown Percentage
High – more than 3 days per week High 63%
Medium 17%
Low 4%
None 16%
Medium – 1 to 2 days per week High 31%
Medium 29%
Low 8%
None 32%
Low – few times per month or less High 22%
Medium 16%
Low 11%
None 51%
None High 30%
Medium 13%
Low 4%
None 53%
Walking frequency level during lockdown Change in frequency level from during lockdown to October 2020 Percentage
High – more than 3 days per week High 79%
Medium 14%
Low 3%
None 4%
Medium – 1 to 2 days per week High 49%
Medium 34%
Low 10%
None 7%
Low – few times per month or less High 34%
Medium 32%
Low 23%
None 11%
None High 39%
Medium 24%
Low 14%
None 24%

[Figure 25 ends]

Figure 26: Mode shift on the journey to school among those with children at the same schools in both W1 and W2

Transport mode Before lockdown
Multimodal 33%
Car 18%
School bus / bus 10%
Walking 38%
Cycling 1%
Transport mode before lockdown Mode Shift
Multimodal Multimodal 63%
Car 19%
School bus / bus 13%
Walking 3%
Car Multimodal 26%
Car 68%
School bus / bus 1%
Walking 5%
Cycling 1%
School bus / bus Multimodal 24%
Car 9%
School bus / bus 64%
Walking 2%
Cycling 1%
Walking Multimodal 33%
Car 4%
School bus / bus 4%
Walking 62%
Cycling Multimodal 17%
Car 17%
Cycling 1%
Transport mode October 2020
Multimodal 40%
Car 21%
School bus / bus 8%
Walking 29%
Cycling 1%

[Figure 26 ends]

Figure 27: Mode shift on the journey to school among those with children at the same schools in both W1 and W2

Journey to school No WFH Some WFH 100% WFH 100% Furloughed Not in paid work
I/my partner enjoy the time with my children on the journey to/from school/childcare 50% 54% 59% 55% 48%
I/my partner have had more time lately to take my child(ren) to/from school/childcare 16% 31% 44% 36% 14%
I/my partner currently often drop-off or pick up my child(ren) as part of my journey to or from work 30% 31% 11% 15% 5%
I/my partner used to drop-off or pick up my child(ren) as part of my journey to or from work, but not at the moment 6% 12% 28% 13% 9%

[Figure 27 ends]

Figure 28: The average level of restrictions (Tier level) experienced between June and October in each survey location

Location Mean Tier Level (1=Low, 2=Medium, 3=High), June to October
Aberdeen 1.07
Edinburgh 1.63
Glasgow 1.79
Ayrshire 1.79
Bristol 1.07
Lancashire 1.29
Liverpool 1.79
Manchester 1.79
Newcastle 1.57
London 1.43

[Figure 28 ends]

Figure 29: The association between changes in frequency of mode use and average level of tier restrictions

Transport mode Mean change in days per week used
Low Medium
Car driving -0.49 -0.6
Car Passenger -0.15 -0.23
Bus -0.62 -0.53
Train -0.28 -0.38
Cycling -0.1 0
Walking 1.1 1
Taxi -0.12 -0.18

[Figure 29 ends]

Figure 30: Shift in individual levels of concern about Covid-19 by participants in both waves

Level of concern Wave 1
Extremely 9.5%
Very 15.0%
Moderately 27.0%
Slightly 35.0%
Not at tall 12.0%
Level of concern Wave 1 Shift in level of concern from Wave 1 to Wave 2 Percentage change
Extremely Extremely 69%
Very 19%
Moderately 6%
Slightly 6%
Very Extremely 25%
Very 36%
Moderately 22%
Slightly 14%
Moderately Very 15%
Moderately 43%
Slightly 34%
Slightly Very 6%
Moderately 23%
Slightly 55%
Not at tall 14%
Not at tall Moderately 6%
Slightly 22%
Not at tall 72%
Level of concern Wave 2
Extremely 12.0%
Very 14.0%
Moderately 25.0%
Slightly 35.0%
Not at tall 14%
Not at tall 15.0%

[Figure 30 ends]

Figure 31: Relationship between the change in mode use between before lockdown and October and the averaged W1/W2 ‘Covid-19 Concern’ score

Transport mode Mean Covid-19 concern score
Car as a driver 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.4
Car as a passenger 3 2.7 2.7 2.7
Bus 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.8
Train 2.7 2.7 2.5 2.4
Cycling 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.4
Walking 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.6
Taxi 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.7

[Figure 31 ends]

Figure 32: Shift in individual agreement with being more worried about getting CV19 from visiting places rather than from the travelling itself by participants in both waves

Wave 1
Level N Percentage
Strongly agree 442 7%
Agree 1320 21%
Neither / nor 2624 42%
Disagree 1368 22%
Strongly disagree 455 7%
Shift in agreement
Level in Wave 1 Level Percentage change from Wave to Wave 2
Strongly agree Strongly agree 23%
Agree 24%
Neither / nor 33%
Disagree 13%
Strongly disagree 7%
Agree Strongly agree 7%
Agree 37%
Neither / nor 36%
Disagree 20%
Neither / nor Agree 17%
Neither / nor 52%
Disagree 21%
Strongly disagree 6%
Disagree Strongly agree 16%
Neither / nor 32%
Disagree 41%
Strongly disagree 9%
Strongly disagree Strongly agree 7%
Agree 12%
Neither / nor 28%
Disagree 22%
Strongly disagree 32%
Wave 2
Level N Percentage
Strongly agree 371 6%
Agree 1244 20%
Neither / nor 2549 41%
Disagree 1521 24%
Strongly disagree 524 8%

[Figure 32 ends]

Figure 33: Agreement with Covid-19 safety statements of bus users and non-users

Concern Agreement Bus Users Non Users
There is good compliance of face coverings by others Agree 59% 28%
Disagree -25% -15%
Buses were being kept santised to product against C19 Agree 47% 26%
Disagree -19% -9%
Sometimes buses were too crowded to allow social distancing Agree 45% 25%
Disagree -34% -14%
Worried about catching or spreading C19 on the bus Agree 55% 50%
Disagree -22% -15%

[Figure 33 ends]

Figure 34: Agreement with Covid-19 safety statements of rail users and non-users

Concern Agreement Train Users Non Users
There is good compliance of face coverings by others Agree 58% 21%
Disagree -19% -8%
Trains were being kept santised to product against C19 Agree 53% 25%
Disagree -11% -6%
Sometimes Trains were too crowded to allow social distancing Agree 33% 17%
Disagree -37% -10%
Worried about catching or spreading C19 on the Train Agree 46% 38%
Disagree -25% -15%

[Figure 34 ends]

Figure 35: Comparison of users and non-users of buses and trains as to their concerns about catching Covid-19 on each mode

Options Worried about catching Covid19 on the bus/train Not worried
No Choice but to use the bus (N=1026) 61% -19%
Non-bus user (N=4522) 50% -15%
No Choice but to use the train (N=487) 55% -35%
Non-train user (N=5334) 38% -15%

[Figure 35 ends]

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