Hot transformations: Governing rapid and deep household heating transitions in China, Denmark, Finland and the United Kingdom
Digitalisation of goods: a systematic review of the determinants and magnitude of the impacts on energy consumption
Smart home technologies in Europe: A critical review of concepts, benefits, risks and policies
Structural change for a post-growth economy: Investigating the relationship between embodied energy intensity and labour productivity
Rebound effects for household energy services in the UK
Digital energy services: climbing the Innovation Ladder
An energy leap? Business model innovation and intermediation in the ‘Energiesprong’ retrofit initiative
Interview with Mari Martiskainen
The rebound effect and the Jevons’ Paradox: beyond the conventional wisdom
The transition from a fossil-fuel economy to a knowledge economy
An estimation of different minimum exergy return ratios required for society
First stage of this research – expert interviews and site visits
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