Winners and losers of policy reform on electricity tariffs
EDRC & CREDS response to Ofgem consultation: Engaging domestic consumers in energy flexibility
Energy fables: Challenging ideas in the energy sector
Modeling of occupant behavior considering spatial variation: Geostatistical analysis and application based on American time use survey data
Time-varying price elasticity of electricity demand
Podcast: Price elasticity of energy demand
Impact of time-use behaviour on residential energy consumption in the United Kingdom
COVID-19 lockdowns in the United Kingdom: Exploring the links between changes in time use, work patterns and energy-relevant activities
The price is not right! Energy demand, Time of Use tariffs, values and social practices
Work-related practices: An analysis of their effect on the emergence of stable practices in daily activity schedules
I’m coming home (to charge): The relation between commuting practices and peak energy demand in the United Kingdom
Development of a profile-based electricity demand response estimation method: An application based on UK hotel chillers
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