University of Sheffield
Professor Nimmo’s background is in chemical and combustion engineering having gained his PhD in Gasification Processes at Leeds University in the mid 1980’s. A period in industry followed, working on full scale coal gasifier development (350 tpd) for British Gas, Westfield Development Centre, Scotland, as part of the British Gas SNG programme in partnership with Lurgi GmbH. Projects involved the study of fuel bed behaviour at full scale and process development for operation with caking and difficult coals.
Recently, Bill’s research activities have been closely related to the development of the UK national UKCCSRC PACT facilities focused on carbon capture processes and in particular to pilot scale oxy-fuel combustion projects
As Head of the Faculty of Engineering Graduate School at the UoS, Bill is responsible for leadership and management in the recruitment, training and progression of PGR students in Engineering. Bill is a member of several Departmental and Faculty and University committees.
Externally, Bill is an Associate Principal Editor of the Elsevier journal FUEL; an active Member of the Fuel and Energy Research Forum, Executive Committee, Chair of the Environment Division; Member of the Energy Institute Yorkshire branch committee and a Member of the EPSRC and Finnish Academy Peer Review Panels. He also has visiting status at several universities in China and Pakistan. Bill’s teaching activities have been closely related to his research activity and has lectured in the areas of combustion theory and design, biomass energy, CCS plant design and conventional power.
Decarbonisation of the steel industry
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