People jumping, edited photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Fatima Khushnud

Visiting academic

Independent Power Producers Association (IPPA) Pakistan

Dr. Fatima Khushnud is a public sector privatisation specialist, a practitioner, an academic, a trainer and a consultant. She has a PhD in Corporate Finance, has written essays in Asset Pricing, from the University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia and has a Masters of Applied Finance with Distinction from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

Within the energy sector she wear two hats – CEO of the Independent Power Producers Association and Head of Sector Skills Council for Renewable Energy (SSC-RE). She represent IPPs with power sector stakeholders including Planning Commission, MOW&P, MOF, NEPRA, NTDC, ICAP, SECP on industry issues and policy making forums which makes her well-versed with Government.

As a CEO, she spearheads research initiatives facilitating collaboration between advisors and industry specialists; identifying research needs; steering concerted efforts in mobilising potential collaborating partners; outreach events, moderating brain storming sessions and focus group discussions with sector experts and multilaterals, with special emphasis on renewables, to promote sustainable energy reliance initiatives in Pakistan.

February 2020 visit:

Mainly focusing on building contacts and having meetings with UK stakeholders, as well as closely engaging with the CREDS Policy and Governance team to work on the abstract for jointly authoring a conference paper at the BIEE conference. Will engage with Policy Governance and Digital Society themes.

September 2020 visit:

Organising symposium and presenting the conference paper at BIEE. The rationale for having the symposium a day before or after BIEE conference is to ensure maximum participation from stakeholders who are likely to be present at Oxford for BIEE. However, the symposium can be adjusted depending on the availability of the relevant audience.

Digital Society

Policy & Governance

Banner photo credit: Val Vesa on Unsplash