Project Researcher
University of Strathclyde
Jack is a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Strathclyde’s Department of Electronic & Electrical EngineeringOpens in a new tab working under Prof Keith Bell. Presently, he is working on Space, time and infrastructure as part of the the CREDS final project, as well as the EPSRC-funded Network Headroom, Engineering Upgrades and Public AcceptanceOpens in a new tab (NEUPA) project that is concerned with connecting engineering for heat system change to consumers and citizens. As part of his doctoral training at the CDT in Future Power Networks and Smart GridsOpens in a new tab, Jack led research on the Ofgem NIA project Spatial Analysis of Future Electric Heat DemandOpens in a new tab (SAFE-HD).
Jack’s doctoral thesisOpens in a new tab focused on developing a spatially explicit agent-based modelling approach for assessing residential heating technology uptake. During this time, Jack also completed a UKRI Policy Fellowship at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) researching the potential for hydrogen as a low-carbon energy carrierOpens in a new tab in the UK, which involved extensive stakeholder elicitation across Government, Ofgem, industry, academia and the third sector. As a graduate electrical engineer in industry (Babcock International Group), Jack provided engineering support for key strategic UK defence sector programmes, including the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers and in-service submarines.
Buildings & Energy
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