People jumping, edited photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Louise Reardon

Project Researcher

University of Birmingham

Louise is a lecturer in Governance and Public Policy at the Institute of Local Government Studies (INLOGOV), University of Birmingham. Louise is co-editor of the leading interdisciplinary journal Local Government Studies, and co-Chair of the Governance and Decision-making Special Interest Group of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS).

Louise’s research is at the forefront of knowledge at the interdisciplinary nexus of governance and public policy, transport, and wellbeing research. In particular, her research focuses on the role of multi-level governance and institutional policy networks in shaping policy agendas and outcomes. Empirically, Louise’s work analyses a range of governance challenges, in particular relating to the transport sector. Including barriers to integrated urban transport governance and the sector’s response to climate change. Moreover, Louise’s work explores the rise of the wellbeing agenda and its implications for policy and practice.

Transport & Mobility


Banner photo credit: Val Vesa on Unsplash