People jumping, edited photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Max Kleinebrahm

Visiting academic

Institute for Industrial Production (IIP) Chair of Energy Economics

Max Kleinebrahm is a phd researcher at the Chair of Energy Economics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. His research interests are in the fields of renewable energies, analysis and modelling of decentralised energy systems, energy self-sufficient residential buildings and time series analysis of energy consumption and occupant behaviour. In his phd, he is investigating the dissemination of self-sufficient residential buildings in the future European energy system and the associated impacts. To better predict the dissemination of energy self-sufficient buildings, his current research focuses on getting a precise understanding of techno economic relationships on the supply side as well as sociodemographic dependencies on the demand side. During his research stay at the University Reading (January 10th to March 27th 2020) he is working in Professor Torriti’s team together with Mate Janos Lorincz and Jose Luis Ramirez-Mendiola on the simulation of residential behaviour in households in order to gain a deeper understanding of the residential demand for energy.



Banner photo credit: Val Vesa on Unsplash