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Further reflections on vulnerability and resistance in the United Kingdom’s smart meter transition

15 January, 2019

Further reflections on vulnerability and resistance in the United Kingdom’s smart meter transition

Benjamin K. Sovacool

Kirsten E. H. Jenkins

Research paper   Digital Society

Benjamin K. Sovacool, Paula Kivimaa, Sabine Hielscher and Kirsten Jenkins


The Smart Meter Implementation Programme (SMIP) in Great Britain is one of the largest and most complex smart meter programs in the world, and for this reason, it provides unique challenges that we must critically reflect upon. We thank Shipworth et al. (2018) for reading Sovacool et al. (2017) and engaging with some of its findings. Their analysis adds helpful depth and context. We both welcome critical discussion about the SMIP and appreciate the value of “rounding out” the discussion with additional contextual information and the identification of evolving challenges. In this Correspondence, we take the opportunity to reflect further on the SMIP and clarify elements of our research methodology and approach. We also identify additional emerging challenges beyond those elaborated by Shipworth et al. (2018).

Publication details

Sovacool, B., Kivimaa, P., Hielscher, S. and Jenkins, K. 2019. Further reflections on vulnerability and resistance in the United Kingdom's smart meter transition. Energy Policy, 124: 411–417. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.08.038

Banner photo credit: Alireza Attari on Unsplash