George Bennett
How do we estimate and regulate the energy and carbon performance of our new and existing homes across the United Kingdom?
With SAP and RdSAP.
These methodologies are therefore of critical importance to the delivery of housing and of our climate change objectives.
This independent report summarises which issues should be addressed in the next version of SAP and RdSAP and provides 25 key recommendations.
It is an important step on a journey which aims at making SAP and RdSAP the best possible methodologies to assist the design and construction of Net Zero Carbon ready new homes and the low carbon retrofit of the existing housing stock, and to assist home owners in decision making.
Publication details
BEIS, 2021. 2021. Making SAP and RdSAP 11 fit for net zeroOpens in a new tab. A report for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy by Etude, CIBSE, Levitt Bernstein, Elementa, WSP, Clarion and UCL.
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