Lai Fong Chiu and Robert Lowe
The Decarbonisation of Heat Theme within the UK Centre of Research in Energy Demand Solution (CREDS) has been a three-year programme of work, which has sought to explore possible strategic directions for heat decarbonisation through a dialogue with stakeholders using system architecture concepts and tools. In September 2020, a Concept Evaluation workshop was held with key stakeholders, with the aim of capturing their views on expectations, requirements, and possible architectures for a future decarbonised system. The evaluation and discussion of options were structured using the Pugh Matrix Method: a pair-wise comparison of technology options against system criteria. This paper presents and analyses the results of this evaluation exercise. Pugh Score sheets returned by individuals showed that the Hybrid Heat Pump Option was positively valued over other systems but was neither deeply explored nor exhaustively articulated in group discussion. The analysis of the discussions showed that the stakeholders were both challenged and stimulated by the way that discussion was structured. Their responses to the concept evaluation exercise revealed the dynamics and combinations of technological options under consideration for fulfilling the joint goal of decarbonising heat and of building a system that is robust enough to withstand short term stresses and shocks, while having the capacity to evolve under changing conditions in the medium-to-long term. Implications for policy and modelling practices are briefly discussed.
Publication details
Chiu, L.F. and Lowe, R.J. 2021. Shape of things to come: Stakeholders’ views on the route to net-zero. Presented at: International Conference on Applied Energy 2021, November 29 to December 5, 2021, Thailand. Paper ID: 595. doi: 10.46855/energy-proceedings-9301Opens in a new tabOpen access
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