Quarterly reporting

13 December, 2023

Reading time: 4 minutes

Our quartley reporting template will help you to track progress across your programe.

We developed a template to report to UKRI quarterly – while this is not required by the funder, it’s a useful method of keeping track of what work is happening in a large consortium. It also saves time when you are trying to remember everything for the year, i.e. for Researchfish and annual reporting, since activities and outputs are already documented.

[Theme / Work package title]

Period: Q1 April-June Year 3 to be changed each quarter

1. Overall theme progress review

  • Short statement of overall theme progress (1-2 paragraphs/max. 300 words)
  • Three theme highlights of this reporting period: key achievements in terms of outputs, inputs to policy, collaborations, media coverage, engagement (have there been any opportunities for promotion, dissemination or engagement activities that have been responsive/spontaneous/unplanned that need to be captured here because they are not in the Communications Plan?) etc. (3 bullets)
  • Concerns – Any problems or risks (e.g. COVID) that have affected (or could affect) progress with your theme’s research plans, including overall theme, project-specific or engagement-related concerns.

2. Project progress

  • Individual project progress, including any changes against plans, milestones or deliverables.

Categories for progress:

  • Delayed
  • Potential issues
  • On track
  • Complete

We used different colours for each progress category, but that can make text difficult to read.

2.1  Project title + project number + progress

For each project within the theme, create a section:

  • Report on Milestones for that project (Please comment on any changes to objectives, risks, data management plan, ethics approval)
  • Report on Deliverables for that project (Please comment on any changes to objectives, risks, data management plan, ethics approval)

3. Future plans

Summary of research plans for the next 6 months for the theme, including:

  • a) A short statement on plans for overall theme development (maximum 1 paragraph)
  • b) For planned project milestones or events: do you need Core team support yes or no, will you need content to be added to the website? (Bullets points only)
  • c) Potential future priorities for the theme (for example, new joint activities with other themes / external researchers; potential further research projects that link with CREDS).

4. New hires / leavers

Report of staff changes

5. Outputs table

Please use the following words to acknowledge the grant funding source:
The authors gratefully acknowledge support from [insert funder name] through the [insert project name], grant reference number [insert number].

This table is based on the categories of Researchfish, a research outcomes collection and evaluation service for funders, researchers and research institutes. All UKRI grant holders are required to update their Researchfish account as soon as an outcome is generated. Entries can be added to the Researchfish system at any time.

Once a year whilst the grant is live, and for up to five years after its end date, grant holders are required to confirm that outcome information on Researchfish is accurate and up-to-date. This needs to be carried out during an annual submission period which is normally open in February and March each year.

Description / Title Dates and staff involved
Record any publications (journal articles, conference proceedings, reports, policy briefs, book, guide, other)
Collaborations and partnerships
Further funding
Any additional funding  & details of funding body and process (e.g. research grant, fellowship, co-funding, capital, travel)
Engagement activities
Details of activities that have engaged audiences (e.g. Working group, expert panel, talk, magazine, event, open day, media interaction, blog, social media, broadcast)
Influence on policy
Details of activities that have influenced policy audiences (e.g. Letter to Parliament, training of policymakers, citation in guidance/policy docs, evidence to government including consultations.
Influence on business
Details of activities that have influenced business (e.g. Citation in working procedures, revisions to guidance docs, citation in industry report, article in trade press, talk at trade event)
Research tools and methods
Research databases and models
Only list the ‘new’ elements of any models, processes, data (e.g. data analysis technique, handling, algorithm)
Intellectual property and licensing
(e.g. copyright, patent application, trademark, open source?)
Artistic and creative products
e.g. Image, artwork, creative writing, music score, animation, exhibition, performance)
Software and technical products
Any non-IP products that are public or do not require protection (e.g. Software, web application, improved technology)
Awards and recognition
e.g. research prize, honorary membership, editor of journal, national honour.)
Use of facilities and resources
e.g. Databases from outside of the programme, shared facilities
Anything not already covered above.

Banner photo credit: Thirty pieces of silver by Cornelia Parker at Tate Modern. Photo by Steph Ferguson