This project is devising a strategy to deliver energy demand reduction in the construction sector.
Reducing energy in construction
By 2025 the UK must deliver over a trillion pounds worth of new construction whilst halving greenhouse gas emissions from the built environment. Whereas projects in the Buildings & Energy theme address the operational energy requirements of the UK building stock, this project addresses the embodied energy and emissions from their initial construction, maintenance and end of life disposal. The project is assessing impacts and reduction strategies at the individual site, city and national scales. This includes trialling assessment methodologies, mitigation options and procurement requirements on live projects through a Living Lab with industrial partners.
What we are asking
- How can the practical challenges in applying existing assessment tools, guidance and standards be overcome?
- What requirements in project briefs, construction standards and procurement processes drive best practice in embodied carbon management?
- How can local authorities and national policy makers support embodied carbon assessment and mitigation?
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