Passengers on London tube Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

EV05 – CoMoUK


Commission on Travel Demand

16 September, 2019

Reading time: 3 minutes

Introduction & Scope

CoMoUK is the charity playing a leading role in the UK’s transition to integrated mobility solutions designed for the public good. CoMoUK supports the development of shared modes: car clubs; bike share; 2+ ride share; plus emerging modes such as on-demand buses and scooter sharing – all to enable mobility lifestyles which present an alternative to private car ownership. This is achieved through advocacy, research and development.

CoMoUK welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Commission on Travel Demand Shared Mobility Inquiry. This document contains two elements:

  • An overview of CoMoUK evidence and the latest UK and overseas intelligence;
  • A commentary on the questions posed by the inquiry brief; sector trends, good practice, success factors, and barriers.

Please note that CoMoUK was named Carplus Bikeplus prior to June 2018. This document will refer to CoMoUK however some linked research will have previous branding.


Shared mobility schemes have been proven to contribute to reductions in energy demand and harmful emissions as well as providing tools to reduce congestion, improve public realm and contribute to fairer mobility. Switching the relationship of transport from ownership to service triggers user of car clubs and bike share to reduce levels of private car ownership and use, changing their travel behaviour to further embrace sustainable and active modes.

Mobility modes based upon sharing must be recognised as a vital part of sustainable and fair mobility strategy. In a time of advances in vehicular technology, data science, mobile technology and artificial intelligence there is a recognition that such innovation alone won’t deliver the urban transport system that reduces congestion, improves air quality and makes our cities liveable for years to come. In short, not all new mobility provides “good mobility”. It is encouraging to see the recent Department for Transport Future of Mobility Urban Strategy highlighting the need for the sharing of modes and trips. There are references within the nine key principles underpinning the report. Point 6 states “Mobility innovation must help to reduce congestion through more efficient use of limited road space. “and point 8: “New mobility services must be designed to operate as part of an integrated transport system combining public, private and multiple modes for transport users” highlighting the value of converting modes which were previously private, to public services to allow for greater strategic management.

It is clear that there are a number of factors affecting the take up of shared mobility services – from policy support to investment from public and private sources; from the role of advocacy bodies to shared mobility’s inclusion in new developments. However, the policy and economics of travel currently locks-in the predominance of unfettered private car ownership and use. Nudges to change behaviour are valuable, but only part of the answer. There are currently opportunities for locking out inefficient mobility based on private ownership and use and locking-in more efficient mobility – for example pay-as-you-go access to shared cars and bikes.

In this document, we highlight:

  • What we think are priority interventions for maximising decarbonisation from shared transport;
  • Limits to the existing evidence base in terms of its ability to answer the questions.

Download the full version of CoMoUK evidence for details and graphics (26 pages, 1.4 MB).

Banner photo credit: Christopher Burns on Unsplash