This project continues to develop the Commission on Travel Demand – a forum that brings business and government together to discuss future transport.
Commission on Travel Demand
The Commission on Travel Demand (CTD) is an expert group initially established as part of the UK Research and Innovation funded ‘DEMAND’ Centre initiative to explore the how to reduce the energy and associated carbon emissions associated with transport. The Commission’s first report All Change? The Future of Travel Demand and its implications for policy and planning reviewed declining trends in per capita travel across the UK and the reasons for this.
The CDT continues within CREDS and is addressing a series of new topics aligned to CREDS priorities, particularly areas of travel demand which are changing rapidly but are also critical to rapid decarbonisation. The CTD brings insights from across the Centre to decision-makers and provides a forum for the input and integration of other knowledge from the UK and abroad.
Shared mobility
The first topic focused on a call for evidence and expert evidence sessions involving regular engagement from national, local and regional government, NGOs, business and academics from both the UK and overseas. The final report, Shared mobility – where now, where next? was released in September 2019, with supporting graphics to highlight the main messages.
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