Designing net-zero energy systems
Green light: Net zero emission energy system designs for the UK
Tackling climate anxiety
Recovery from health, energy, and economic shocks requires better understanding of our responses to the dynamics of all three
Preliminary estimation of long-term storage needs in a system with electrified demands and 100% wind and solar electricity supply
Eliciting stakeholders’ requirements of future energy systems: a case study of heat decarbonisation in the UK
Solar, wind and logistic substitution in global energy supply to 2050 – Barriers and implications
Shape of things to come: Stakeholders’ views on the route to net-zero
Net zero heating: identifying evolvable least-cost system architectures for the UK
Homeowner low carbon retrofits: Implications for future UK policy
Decarbonising Scottish heat demand: implications for electricity networks
Innovation in deep housing retrofit in the United Kingdom: The role of situated creativity in transforming practice
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