People jumping, edited photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Dan Alberga

Project Researcher

Yale University

Dan joined CREDS as a summer research assistant in May 2022. He is supervised by Dr. Tina Fawcett and is working on policy-related aspects of the Positive Low Energy Futures report. Dan is currently completing the final year of his Master of Environmental Management degree at the Yale School of the Environment, and is specializing in energy policy. At Yale, he is a member of the Energy, Climate and Well-Being Lab headed by Prof. Narasimha Rao.

Dan’s research interests include demand-side energy policy implementation, global energy poverty and well-being, and the integration of social sciences with energy transition studies. At CREDS he is exploring the spatial distribution of energy demand reduction policies in the UK.

Policy & Governance

Banner photo credit: Val Vesa on Unsplash