Project Researcher
University of Plymouth
Prof Steve Goodhew is Professor of Environmental Building and Associate Head of School (Research) in the School of Art, Design and Architecture at University of Plymouth, PI (Lead Partner) of the CobBauge Project.
Steve researches into the sustainability and performance of buildings, both new and listed, as individual units and as urban groupings.
He is an expert in the use of thermography and its use in relation to improving the building performance of homes and commercial properties. He also works in the areas of sustainable construction materials, particularly Cob.
He specialises in undertaking in situ thermal measurements in relation to the balance between behavioural energy use in buildings and overall embodied energy. Prof Goodhew is a Fellow of the RICS, CIOB and a member of REF sub-panel 13.
He has published widely and authored Sustainable Construction Processes: A Resource text.
Buildings & Energy
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