Abstract lights Photo by Jussara Romão on Unsplash

DeViz (Defect visualisation via thermography)

Home > Buildings & Energy > DeViz (Defect visualisation via thermography)

This project uses thermal imaging as a behaviour change tool for informing, empowering, and engaging site supervisors to help them achieve zero defects in their buildings

DeViz (Defect visualisation via thermography)

This project uses thermal imaging as a behaviour change tool for informing, empowering, and engaging site supervisors to help them achieve zero defects in their buildings and so encourage a learning loop and zero defect culture.

In parallel, it is developing a methodology to enable autonomous checking by construction supervisors using thermal imaging cameras, monitoring their own work, identifying build defects as the build / retrofit happens, rectifying them much earlier in the construction process.

What we are asking

  • To what extent can thermal energy-related defects in buildings be systematically identified and rectified at mid build / retrofit stage?
  • To what extent can thermal energy-related defects in buildings be reduced, by systematically identifying and rectifying them, at mid build / retrofit stage, by site staff trained to use thermal cameras?
  • How will site supervisors react to using thermography?
  • What design of approach will engage and appeal to site staff?
  • Whether a thermal imaging defect identification system on site affects: a learning loop, the psychological determinants of behaviour, and a zero defect culture.

Banner photo credit: Jussara Romão on Unsplash