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Chapter 17: Local heat and energy efficiency policy: ambiguity and ambivalence in England and Scotland

10 December, 2021

Chapter 17: Local heat and energy efficiency policy: ambiguity and ambivalence in England and Scotland

Mags Tingey

Janette Webb

Research paper   Policy & Governance

Mags Tingey and Janette Webb


This chapter provides a comparative analysis of Scottish and English governance of energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation in buildings. Such work is essential to meet net zero emissions targets, but historical action has been patchy. Localised management of energy retrofitting and heat decarbonisation is being tested through Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies in Scotland and Local Area Energy Planning in England. Interviews with Scottish and UK government officials are analysed using an institutional perspective; this provides insight into interlocking political and policy making dynamics. UK and Scottish Government officials perceived uneven local engagement and leadership, but perspectives on how to proceed differed. UK officials expressed ambivalence about the role of local authorities and the value of area-based planning. Scottish commitment to local-central coordination was evident, despite uncertainty over appropriate central support mechanisms. Much remains to be done towards workable consensus and innovation for systematic local heat and energy planning.

Publication details

Wade, F., Webb, J. and Tingey, M. 2021. Chapter 17: Local heat and energy efficiency policy: ambiguity and ambivalence in England and Scotland. In: Research Handbook on Energy and Society. Wade, F., Webb, J. and Tingey, M. [eds]. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publications. doi: 10.4337/9781839100710.00027Opens in a new tab

Banner photo credit: Alireza Attari on Unsplash