Jacopo Torriti, Samuele Lo Piano, Mate Janos Lorincz, Jose Luis Ramirez-Mendiola, Stefan Smith and Timur Yunusov
In this response, CREDS outlines new opportunities in terms of non-DSO flexibility services, including the implications of introducing ‘core capacity’ and interfaces that allow non-DSO (distribution system operators) flexibility markets to flourish, and describes how differing distributed energy resources (DER) types should be subject to different baselining methodologies as opposed to a simple one-size fits all approach. In the context of residential flexibility, CREDS generally agrees with the position that engaging residential flexibility is critical. Further research linking the timing of activities to electricity demand will be key to any intervention aimed at increasing residential flexibility.
Full details of the consultation: Energy Networks Association Flexibility Consultation 2020
Publication details
Torriti, J., Lo Piano, S., Lorincz, J.M., Ramirez-Mendiola, J.L., Smith, S.T. and Yunusov, T. 2020. Energy Networks Association – Flexibility Consultation 2020.
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