CREDS researchers win CIBSE Napier Shaw Bronze Medal
Researchers from CREDS have won the Napier Shaw Bronze Medal, awarded by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) for the best research paper published in their journal.

CREDS launches first major report – Shifting the focus: energy demand in a net-zero carbon UK
Our first major cross-theme report proposes actions to strengthen and deliver the commitments in the Government’s Clean Growth Strategy.

Professor Jacopo Torriti’s inaugural lecture is available to watch now
In this inaugural lecture, Jacopo Torriti presents research on the timing of electricity demand, peaks, people’s activities and demand-side flexibility.

Energy Demand Networking Hub
The first meeting of the Energy Demand Networking Hub, organised by CREDS, was held on 9 May 2019.

Health implications of climate change presented by CREDS researcher to the Science and Technology Committee
CREDS researcher, Dr Gesche Huebner, recently submitted an idea on the health implications of climate change to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee which was shortlisted for presentation at Westminster in front of the Committee.

CREDS research is helping to plan London-wide energy efficiency re-furbishment
CREDS helps build a London Building Stock Model to help GLA plan for energy efficient refurbishment.

Efficient World Scenario and 3rd IEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency
CREDS attended the IEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency in Paris last week, a launch for the 2018 Energy Efficiency Market Report co-authored by CREDS researcher, Ian Hamilton.
Banner photo credit: Raphael Schaller on Unsplash