CREDS research is helping to plan London-wide energy efficiency re-furbishment
CREDS helps build a London Building Stock Model to help GLA plan for energy efficient refurbishment.

Energy efficiency in buildings: interview with Cliff Elwell
Cliff Elwell, CREDS buildings theme co-investigator and project lead, talks about his work at UCL on energy efficiency in buildings (interview by Mike Fell).

Efficient World Scenario and 3rd IEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency
CREDS attended the IEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency in Paris last week, a launch for the 2018 Energy Efficiency Market Report co-authored by CREDS researcher, Ian Hamilton.

Love thy neighbour? Maybe you should be able to sell them thine energy
In this post CREDS/UCL researcher Michael Fell outlines his work on blockchain-enabled energy retail markets and what they might mean for people and society.

IPCC report: Energy demand can help meet 1.5°C challenge while also delivering wellbeing & ecosystem benefits
On Monday 8th October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its report on the impacts of global warming 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The CREDS mission of transforming energy demand is more relevant than ever.

New challenges for energy demand research
Improving energy efficiency helps deliver on all the key goals of energy policy – affordability, security and sustainability – trying to understand the future of energy without thinking closely about demand is not possible. Prof Nick Eyre explores why energy demand matters.

What we do
CREDS is a research centre established in 2018 with a vision to make the UK a leader in understanding the changes in energy demand needed for the transition to a secure and affordable, low carbon energy system.
Banner photo credit: Andrew Haimerl on Unsplash