The EDI cube: A tool for project design, evaluation and teaching
Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is an important determinant of who does what work, and how. Our tool helps you to open up conversations with your peers.
Guide to racially just energy research
Uttara Narayan developed a guide to assist in being more thoughtful and deliberate about energy research.
Balance of speakers at CREDS events, 2018 to 2022
To evaluate progress against our EDI plan, we carried out a review of our events.
CREDS EDI Survey 2023
A survey of attitudes and experiences of EDI within CREDS to date has informed our procedures and operations, including events and criteria for calls.
Recruitment practice: towards equity in process and outcomes within research
Our recruitment guide offers suggested actions to embed EDI within recruitment processes.
Feedback on the Amplify Project, our anti-bullying forum
Some common themes emerged from our researchers’ accounts of their experiences of bullying and harassment at work.
Inclusive language guide
Our language guide provides a summary of where special thought should be given to inclusive language.
Women in energy
To mark the end of Womens’ History Month, Anuja Saunders, EDI Manager at CREDS looks at the work still to be done to break the bias in the energy sector.
The intersections between racial justice and energy demand research
Sarah Higginson and Bowale Fadare look back to the conversation that inspired our hiring a researcher to explore the intersections between vulnerability and energy demand.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Podcast
Sarah Higginson, CREDS’ Knowledge Exchange Manager, talks to UKERC about what we have been doing to improve equality, diversity and inclusion within CREDS.
Equality, diversity and inclusion plan
We aim to promote equality, value diversity and maintain a respectful working environment throughout the Centre.
Banner photo credit: Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash