This CREDS project is investigating how digitisation would optimise the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) process in conjunction with distribution grid constraints, the availability of local renewable energy resources and customers’ preferences.
Using electric vehicles as distributed energy storage systems: a digital twin based approach
This project is investigating how digitisation would optimise the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) process in conjunction with distribution grid constraints, the availability of local renewable energy resources and customers’ preferences. We are seeking to develop a durable and reliable V2G-based demand response system by implementing a digital twin based energy management scheme which accurately calculates the mobile storage capacity in real-time, and use it to achieve a balance between the local generation and local demand.
What we are asking
- Could digitalisation improve the durability and reliability of V2G function?
- Could digitalisation provide enhanced utilisation of existing and new infrastructure?
Banner photo credit: Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash