We are pleased to announce our new CREDS interdisciplinary energy demand studentships call.
We are pleased to announce our CREDS interdisciplinary energy demand studentships call. Through the EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership award to the University of Oxford, CREDS has funding for up to eight doctoral studentships.
CREDS invites applications for interdisciplinary doctoral energy demand research studentships from suitably qualified individuals. Applications will include the candidate’s CV and a research proposal. They must have the support of a prospective host supervisor employed in a university that is a participant in the CREDS consortium. For a list of these see the annex of the guidance document (link will download a word doc).
CREDS will operate the application process. Applicants may propose support for research on any topic relevant to ‘End Use Energy Demand’ as defined by UKRI. The research should be interdisciplinary.
The proposed research may therefore potentially interact with parts of the existing CREDS research programme that is described on the CREDS website. Applicants are encouraged to seek and explain synergies with that programme. Successful applicants will be encouraged to participate in CREDS networking activities and those of any successor consortium funded by UKRI for the period after March 2023.
Applicants will hold, or expect to achieve by 30 September 2022, a good undergraduate degree (at least a 2:1) or a Master’s degree from a UK university or equivalent overseas academic qualifications. The degree must be appropriate to the proposed area of study. The awards are subject to the UKRI international scholars’ rules, which allows up to 30% of funds (in this case a maximum of two students in 2022/23) to be recruited from overseas. In the event that more than two of the best eight applications come from international applicants, the strongest two will be funded. Subject to this, the strongest eight eligible applicants will be funded.
A webinar will be held on 17th September to explain the process in more detail. Interested applicants can register for this on Eventbrite.
How to apply
Please read the guidance document (link will download a word doc) and complete the application form (link will download a word doc).
Applications should be sent by email to credsadmin@ouce.ox.ac.uk, with the subject heading ‘EPSRC Studentship application’.
Applications must arrive by 4pm on 29 October 2021.
Banner photo credit: Hannah Olinger on Unsplash