Sarah Higginson and Kay Jenkinson
This call for evidence from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Diversity and InclusionOpens in a new tab considers equity in the STEM workforce. Based on the CREDS EDI strategy (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion), the EDI Annual Report, the CREDS Staff EDI report and the EDI monitoring we have done throughout CREDS, not least in the ECR Flexible Fund Call Evaluation, we submitted this short response. Although CREDS is doing noteworthy work in this area, we acknowledge that there is still much progress to be made, and highlight challenges for energy demand researchers and research programmes.
Publication details
Higginson, S. and Jenkinson, K. 2021. APPG on diversity & inclusion – call for evidence on equity in the STEM workforce. CREDS Consultation response 020 | January 2021 .
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