Full project description: systematic review to assess the impacts of ICTs on energy consumption
Best practices in systematic reviews performed in the social sciences workshop
From the 15th to 17th of October 2018, Victor Court attended a workshop hosted by the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate change in Berlin. The workshop goal was to improve best practices in systematic reviews performed in the social sciences.
Since then, Victor Court, Steve Sorrell, and Eleanor Drabik have worked on the systematic review protocol designed to assess the impacts of ICTs on energy consumption. Of relevance at the moment is that the scope of the project has been reduced to two items, namely the analysis of goods dematerialisation (digitalised media, books, music, and video), and the sharing of goods and services through online platform. If time allows it, the systematic review protocol will then be extended to other application domain (mobility for example).
Read the full scoping document here >>
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