Facilitating policy change for low carbon mobility
This project uses interpretive network and problem analysis to identify the role multilevel governance plays in influencing local level policy responses towards low carbon mobility.
Decarbonisation of coastal shipping
This study explores what are the most suitable geographic locations for early establishment of green and blue hydrogen and ammonia as marine fuels.
High energy consumers
This project looks at identifying patterns of high level energy consumption – gas, electricity and car-based mobility and how this might be reduced.
Flexing passenger mobility
This project looks at how to inform policy by providing research on uptake rates, locations and use of electric vehicles.
Long distance travel
This project looks at the trends in long distance travel, including air, rail and road modes.
Commission on Travel Demand
This project continues to develop the Commission on Travel Demand – a forum that brings business and government together to discuss future transport.
Modelling flexibility over time, mode, place
This project seeks to find new ways of bringing the transport, energy and electricity modelling communities together.
The governance of radical mobility change
This project looks at why particular policies are adopted more rapidly and work better in different places and institutional structures.
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