People jumping, edited photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Michael Fell

Project Researcher

UCL Energy Institute

Michael Fell is a research associate at UCL Energy Institute. His current project (under the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions) considers implications of distributed ledger-enabled retail markets for energy policy objectives. More generally, his research focuses on social aspects of energy demand flexibility, and the use of systematic review methods in energy demand research.

His previous work has explored consumer demand for domestic demand-side response product offerings such as time of use electricity tariffs. Other research interests include energy feedback and energy education. He was seconded to BEIS during 2017-18, and in 2013 undertook a POST/EPSRC Fellowship in the House of Commons Library (briefing MPs on subjects in science and the environment). Prior to joining UCL he was the energy commissioning editor at Earthscan (a leading publisher of books and journals in sustainability). He is currently the UCL Energy Institute ethics coordinator.

Policy & Governance


Banner photo credit: Val Vesa on Unsplash