Measuring flexibility in the timing of electricity demand
This project is developing innovative ways of measuring demand side flexibility.

Conceptualising flexibility
This project is conceptualising ‘flexibility’ to better understand how patterns of energy demand are shaped.

Flexibility: past, present, future
This project looks at how flexibility has been managed in the past; how flexible the energy system is today and what future flexibilities could look like.

Flexibility of demand-side technologies
This project analyses how existing demand-side technologies (DST) can change patterns of energy demand.

Using electric vehicles as distributed energy storage systems
This CREDS project is investigating how digitisation would optimise the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) process in conjunction with distribution grid constraints, the availability of local renewable energy resources and customers’ preferences.

Time dependence & institutional flexibility
This project analyses demand-side management interventions to identify new opportunities for more extensive demand side responses.

Price & time elasticity
This project looks at the relationship between elasticity and flexibility.
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