People jumping, edited photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Tim Foxon

Theme Lead

University of Sussex

Prof. Tim Foxon is Professor of Sustainability Transitions at SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit). His research explores technological and social factors relating to the innovation of new energy technologies, the co-evolution of technologies and institutions for a transition to a sustainable low carbon economy, and relations and interdependencies between energy use and economic growth.

He co-leads the Digital Society theme of CREDS, where he is leading research on future impacts of ICTs on energy consumption and energy productivity, and use of ICTs for new energy service business models.

His other current research focuses on low carbon industrial strategy, reorienting investments and divesting from fossil fuels, and the relations between energy use and economic growth.

His new book Energy and Economic Growth: Why we need a new pathway to prosperity was published by Routledge in 2017.

Digital Society


Banner photo credit: Val Vesa on Unsplash