Faye Wade, Jan Webb, Gavin Killip and Kay Jenkinson
CREDS welcomes the draft strategy’s combination of policy levers and programmes to support the provision of net-zero heat, and recommends some additional features.
- More information about the carbon saving targets that would be expected, to help prioritise actions.
- A clear plan to support delivery of the Strategy (e.g. Home Energy Scotland loans and grants, support for the development of workforce skills) and to allocate responsibilities to critical stakeholders.
- Clarification of the intended link between the Strategy overall and the Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES), taking account of the evaluation of the pilot programmes.
- Stronger action to improve EPCs, including (but not restricted to) through training and accreditation of Domestic Energy Assessors alongside more ambitious EPC targets (A and B ratings).
- The monitoring and evaluation plan should be a learning plan with a commitment to adopt improvements quickly and track progress towards carbon reduction targets.
A bolder approach to support extensive, high-quality installation of energy-efficient homes with low-carbon heating systems, including changes to training and education.
See full details of the Scottish Government Heat in buildings consultation.
Publication details
Wade, F., Webb, J., Killip, G. and Jenkinson, K. 2021. Scottish Government consultation on its draft Heat in Buildings Strategy. CREDS Consultation response 022 | June 2021.
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