CoCo Hybrid Project
This project is looking at how Compact Combination (CoCo) hybrid heating appliances could kickstart a rapid large-scale uptake of low carbon heating into the stock, providing flexibility, comfort, reliability, and familiarity for occupants.
DeViz (Defect visualisation via thermography)
This project uses thermal imaging as a behaviour change tool for informing, empowering, and engaging site supervisors to help them achieve zero defects in their buildings
Health & energy efficiency
This project looks at the impact of buildings’ energy efficiency, energy demand and internal temperatures on health and wellbeing.
In-use energy performance certificates (EPCs)
This project is developing data analysis methods to create accurate EPCs in close to real time from smart meter data.
Future building energy & power demand pathways
This project is developing a full national building stock model capable of evaluating the impact of energy saving measures.
Comfort & control
This project looks at how buildings can be retrofitted to maximise the range of temperatures occupants find comfortable.
Demand Side Management (DSM) availability baseline
This project is developing baselines for the availability of DSM from individual properties.
Energy efficiency and resiliency for power supply
This project looks at the impact of energy efficiency technologies on power demand, peak load and their implications for power system resilience.
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